2014 Year in Review

Happy New Year!

2014 was so very amazing, fun, hard, fulfilling, exhausting and also so very enlightening to say the least. Reflecting on 2014 was quite wonderful. The things we now know and have experienced from just twelve months ago are truly a gift.  They all have lead to this new year and another year at life and love!

We have been so blessed to have crossed paths with all the people that allowed us into their lives and photograph their happiest moments yet again for another year. We get to be a part of those memories forever. This was our busiest year to date and we are so incredibly grateful. We started off the year with some fun time in the snow with our family, then our first wedding of the year was of the beautiful Savannah Guthrie (of the Today Show) to Michael Feldman in Tucson, Arizona.  What a delight to seeing our photographs of them on the news and in People magazine along with some other events throughout the year.  Our work took us mainly through Colorado as well as NYC for weddings and families and to photograph more lovely people that we know we will be in touch with for a long time.  We also got to work with new people in the wedding industry and ones that we love seeing more and more.  Looking back to where we began, we are loving where we are headed and so grateful for the path we have taken to get to 2015.

2015 is going to be a great year and we look forward to all it has to bring!  We will be making some positive business and life changes as we move forward to better help our all aspects of our life, so that we can be the best for our family, our work and our play time.  Thank you to all of our clients for allowing us to photograph your lives. We are so thankful for the you and everyone we had the chance to meet, work with and make friendships with that will forever be in our hearts.

Cheers to 2015 and for the very memorable year of 2014.  Please enjoy our favorite moments of 2014 in photographs.  The world is quite small, so I am sure you might see someone you recognize in there.

xoxo ~ heidi + daniel


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